New Verses to Be Sung After the Arti (2024)

श्री स्वामिनारायण भगवानस्तुति

अन्तर्यामि परात्परं हितकरं, सर्वोपरी श्रीहरि,
साकारं परब्रह्म सर्वशरणम्, कर्ता दयासागरम्।
आराध्यं मम इष्टदेव प्रकटं, सर्वावतारी प्रभु,
वन्दे दुःखहरं सदा सुखकरं श्रीस्वामिनारायणम्॥

શ્રી સ્વામિનારાયણ ભગવાન સ્તુતિ

અન્તર્યામિ પરાત્પરં હિતકરં, સર્વોપરી શ્રીહરિ,
સાકારં પરબ્રહ્મ સર્વશરણમ્, કર્તા દયાસાગરમ્।
આરાધ્યં મમ ઇષ્ટદેવ પ્રકટં, સર્વાવતારી પ્રભુ,
વન્દે દુઃખહરં સદા સુખકરં શ્રીસ્વામિનારાયણમ્॥

श्री गुणातीतानन्दस्वामी महाराजस्तुति

साक्षाद् अक्षरधाम दिव्य परमं सेवारतं मूर्तिमान्
सर्वाधार सदा स्वरोम-विवरे ब्रह्मांड-कोटी-धरम्।
भक्ति ध्यान कथा सदैव करणं, ब्रह्मस्थितिदायकम्,
वन्दे अक्षरब्रह्म पादकमलं गुणातीतानन्दनम्॥

શ્રી ગુણાતીતાનન્દસ્વામી મહારાજસ્તુતિ

સાક્ષાદ્ અક્ષરધામ દિવ્ય પરમં સેવારતં મૂર્તિમાન્
સર્વાધાર સદા સ્વરોમ-વિવરે બ્રહ્માંડ-કોટી-ધરમ્।
ભક્તિ ધ્યાન કથા સદૈવ કરણં, બ્રહ્મસ્થિતિદાયકમ્,
વન્દે અક્ષરબ્રહ્મ પાદકમલં ગુણાતીતાનન્દનમ્॥

श्री भगतजी महाराजस्तुति

श्रीमन् निर्गुण मूर्ति सुंदर तनु, अध्यात्म-वार्तारतम्,
देहातीत दशा अखंड-भजनं, शान्तं क्षमासागरम्।
आज्ञा-पालन-तत्परं गुणग्रही, निर्दोषमूर्ति स्वयम्,
वन्दे प्रागजीभक्त-पादकमलं, ब्रह्मस्वरूपं गुरुम्॥

શ્રી ભગતજી મહારાજસ્તુતિ

શ્રીમન્ નિર્ગુણ મૂર્તિ સુંદર તનુ, અધ્યાત્મ-વાર્તારતમ્,
દેહાતીત દશા અખંડ-ભજનં, શાન્તં ક્ષમાસાગરમ્।
આજ્ઞા-પાલન-તત્પરં ગુણગ્રહી, નિર્દોષમૂર્તિ સ્વયમ્,
વન્દે પ્રાગજીભક્ત-પાદકમલં, બ્રહ્મસ્વરૂપં ગુરુમ્॥

श्री शास्त्रीजी महाराजस्तुति

शुद्धोपासन मन्दिरं सुरचनम्, सिद्धान्त-रक्षापरम्,
संस्था-स्थापन दिव्य-कार्य-करणं सेवामयं जीवनम्।
निष्ठा निर्भयता सुकष्टसहनं, धैर्यं क्षमाधारणम्,
शास्त्री यज्ञपुरुषदास-चरणं, वन्दे प्रतापी गुरुम्॥

શ્રી શાસ્ત્રીજી મહારાજસ્તુતિ

શુદ્ધોપાસન મન્દિરં સુરચનમ્, સિદ્ધાન્ત-રક્ષાપરમ્,
સંસ્થા-સ્થાપન દિવ્ય-કાર્ય-કરણં સેવામયં જીવનમ્।
નિષ્ઠા નિર્ભયતા સુકષ્ટસહનં, ધૈર્યં ક્ષમાધારણમ્,
શાસ્ત્રી યજ્ઞપુરુષદાસ-ચરણં, વન્દે પ્રતાપી ગુરુમ્॥

श्री योगीजी महाराजस्तुति

वाणी अमृतपूर्ण हर्षकरणी, संजीवनी माधुरी,
दिव्यं दृष्टिप्रदान दिव्य हसनं, दिव्यं शुभं कीर्तनम्।
ब्रह्मानंद प्रसन्न स्नेहरसितं, दिव्यं कृपावर्षणम्
योगीजी गुरु ज्ञानजीवन पदे, भावे सदा वन्दनम्॥

શ્રી યોગીજી મહારાજસ્તુતિ

વાણી અમૃતપૂર્ણ હર્ષકરણી, સંજીવની માધુરી,
દિવ્યં દૃષ્ટિપ્રદાન દિવ્ય હસનં, દિવ્યં શુભં કીર્તનમ્।
બ્રહ્માનંદ પ્રસન્ન સ્નેહરસિતં, દિવ્યં કૃપાવર્ષણમ્
યોગીજી ગુરુ જ્ઞાનજીવન પદે, ભાવે સદા વન્દનમ્॥

श्री प्रमुखस्वामी महाराजस्तुति

विश्वे वैदिक धर्म मर्म महिमा सत्संग विस्तारकम्,
वात्सल्यं करुणा अहो जनजने, आकर्षणम् अद्भुतम्।
दासत्वं गुरुभक्ति नित्य भजनं, संवादिता साधुता,
नारायणस्वरूप स्वामी प्रमुखं वन्दे गुरुं मुक्तिदम्॥

શ્રી પ્રમુખસ્વામી મહારાજસ્તુતિ

વિશ્વે વૈદિક ધર્મ મર્મ મહિમા સત્સંગ વિસ્તારકમ્,
વાત્સલ્યં કરુણા અહો જનજને, આકર્ષણમ્ અદ્ભુતમ્।
દાસત્વં ગુરુભક્તિ નિત્ય ભજનં, સંવાદિતા સાધુતા,
નારાયણસ્વરૂપ સ્વામી પ્રમુખં વન્દે ગુરું મુક્તિદમ્॥

श्री महंतस्वामी महाराजस्तुति

दिव्यं सौम्यमुखारविन्द सरलं नेत्रे अमीवर्षणम्
निर्दोषं महिमामयं सुहृदयं, शान्तं समं निश्चलम्।
निर्मानं मृदु दिव्यभाव सततं वाणी शुभा निर्मला
वन्दे केशवजीवनं मम गुरुं स्वामी महन्तं सदा॥

શ્રી મહંતસ્વામી મહારાજ સ્તુતિ

દિવ્યં સૌમ્યમુખારવિન્દ સરલં નેત્રે અમીવર્ષણમ્
નિર્દોષં મહિમામયં સુહૃદયં, શાન્તં સમં નિશ્ચલમ્।
નિર્માનં મૃદુ દિવ્યભાવ સતતં વાણી શુભા નિર્મલા
વન્દે કેશવજીવનં મમ ગુરું સ્વામી મહન્તં સદા॥

स्वामिनारायण स्वामिनारायण स्वामिनारायण स्वामिनारायण...

સ્વામિનારાયણ સ્વામિનારાયણ સ્વામિનારાયણ સ્વામિનારાયણ...

Bhagwan Shri Swaminarayan

Antaryāmi parātparam hita-karam, sarvopari Shri-Hari,
Sākāram Parabrahma sarva-sharanam, kartā dayā-sāgaram |
Ārādhyam mama ishtadeva prakatam, sarvāvatāri Prabhu,
Vande dukha-haram sadā sukha-karam, Shri Swāminārāyanam ||

He who is present in all as the all-controller, transcending even Akshar; the benefactor of all; the supreme Shri Hari.
Forever with a [divine] form, Parabrahma is the refuge for all, the all-doer and the ocean of compassion.
He who is worthy of being worshipped, my choicest deity and forever manifest on this earth; the cause of all incarnations and all-powerful.
I bow to [Bhagwan] Shri Swaminarayan, who removes all sorrows and forever bestows bliss to all.

Gunatitanand Swami Maharaj

Sākshād Aksharadhāma divya paramam, sevāratam murtimān,
Sarvādhāra sadā sva-roma vivare, brahmānda-koti-dharam |
Bhakti dhyāna kathā sadaiva karanam, brahma-sthiti-dāyakam,
Vande Aksharabrahma pāda-kamalam, Gunātitānandanam ||

He who is the divine, supreme abode, Akshardham; and engaged in seva through his personified form [in Akshardham].
He who is the support of all creation and forever beholds millions of universes in each of his pores.
He who continuously engages in devotion, meditation and spiritual discourses; and elevates one to the brahmic state.
I bow at the lotus-like feet of that Aksharbrahma, Gunatitanand [Swami].

Bhagatji Maharaj

Shriman-nirguna-murti sundara tanu, adhyātma-vārtā-ratam,
Dehātita dashā akhanda bhajanam, shāntam kshamā-sāgaram |
Āgnā-pālana-tatparam guna-grahi, nirdosha-murti swayam,
Vande Prāgaji-Bhakta-pāda-kamalam, brahmaswarupam gurum ||

He whose resplendent murti is [full of virtues and] devoid of all mayik qualities; whose form is attractive; and who is engrossed in spiritual talks.
He who is beyond the body and continuously absorbed in devotion; calm and an ocean of forgiveness.
He who instantly complies with all commands; imbibes the virtues of others; and is himself totally free of flaws.
I bow at the lotus-like feet of that Brahmaswarup guru, Pragji Bhakta [Bhagatji Maharaj].

Shastriji Maharaj

Shuddhopāsana mandiram surachanam, siddhānta-rakshāparam,
Sansthā-sthāpana divya-kārya-karanam, sevā-mayam jivanam |
Nishthā nirbhayatā sukashta-sahanam, dhairyam kshamā-dhāranam,
Shāstri Yagnapurushadāsa-charanam, vande pratāpi gurum ||

He who created grand mandirs dedicated to the pure upasana, preserving the doctrine [of Akshar-Purushottam as revealed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan].
He who established the [BAPS] Sanstha and accomplished divine works; and whose life is dedicated to seva.
He who possesses faith, is fearless and tolerates great hardships; is ever-patient and forgiving.
I bow at the feet of that all-powerful guru, Shastri Yagnapurushdas [Shastriji Maharaj].

Yogiji Maharaj

Vāni amruta-purna harsha-karani, sanjivani mādhuri,
Divyam drushthi-pradāna divya hasanam, divyam shubham kirtanam |
Brahmānanda prasanna sneha-rasitam, divyam krupā-varshanam,
Yogiji guru Jnānajivana pade, bhāve sadā vandanam ||

He whose speech is full of nectar, gives joy, is life-giving and is sweet.
He who bestows all with a divine outlook, has a divine laugh; whose devotion is divine and auspicious.
He who is absorbed in the bliss of God, is content, is full of affection and showers divine grace.
I forever lovingly bow at the feet of that guru Yogiji [Maharaj], Jnanjivan[das].

Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Vishve vaidika dharma marma mahimā, satsanga vistārakam,
Vātsalyam karunā aho jana-jane, ākarshanam adbhutam |
Dāsatvam guru-bhakti nitya bhajanam, samvāditā sādhutā,
Nārāyanaswarupa Swāmi Pramukham, vande gurum muktidam ||

He who spreads the glory of the essence of Vedic dharma and Satsang throughout the world.
He who has affection and compassion [for all beings], and to whom people are extraordinarily drawn.
He who is humble, devoted to his gurus and always absorbed in devotion; he who engages in harmonious dialogue with everyone and is saintly.
I bow to that guru who grants moksha, Narayanswarup[das], also known as Pramukh Swami [Maharaj].

Mahant Swami Maharaj

Divyam saumya-mukhāravinda saralam, netre ami-varshanam,
Nirdosham mahimā-mayam suhrudayam, shāntam samam nishchalam |
Nirmānam mrudu divyabhāva satatam, vāni shubhā nirmalā,
Vande Keshavajivanam mama gurum, Swāmi Mahantam sadā ||

He whose lotus-like face is divine and serene; who is considerate; and whose eyes shower the nectar of compassion.
He who is flawless, contemplates on the glory of God and guru, and is kind-hearted; calm, equipoised and steadfast.
He who is humble, gentle and constantly sees divinity in all; whose words are beneficial and pure.
I forever bow to my guru, Keshavjivan[das], Mahant Swami [Maharaj].

Swāminārāyan Swāminārāyan Swāminārāyan Swāminārāyan...

New Verses to Be Sung After the Arti (2024)


Who wrote the new baps aarti? ›

Of these, the most commonly sung is the arti written by Sadguru Muktanand Swami.

What is the BAPS arti ritual? ›

Often called the 'ceremony of light', the arti involves waving lighted wicks before the sacred images to infuse the flames with the Deities' love, energy and blessings. It is performed by sadhus (Hindu monks) and pujaris (attendants to the Deities).

How to do aarti swaminarayan? ›

The aarti is performed by gently waving lighted wicks, soaked in ghee candle before the murti of Bhagwan, together with the ringing of the bell, the beating of drums, and a song that praises Him. The flame is held either in both hands or in the right hand and gently waved around the Murti of Bhagwan.

Who is the owner of BAPS? ›

As of August 2016, Mahant Swami Maharaj is the 6th guru and president of BAPS. The philosophy of BAPS is centred on the doctrine of Akshar-Purushottam Upasana, in which followers worship Swaminarayan as God, or Purushottam, and his choicest devotee, Gunatitanand Swami, as Akshar.

Who is the next successor of BAPS? ›

Mahant Swami Maharaj is the sixth spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and present guru of the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha.

What is aarti called in English? ›

The Hindi word "Aarti" refers to a devotional song or hymn sung in praise of a deity, typically performed with a ritual of waving lighted lamps or candles before the deity. In English, "Aarti" can be translated as "prayer ceremony" or "ritual worship with light."

How to do Aarti properly? ›

Arti is waved in circular fashion, in clockwise manner around the deity. After every circle (or second or third circle), when arti has reached the bottom (6–8 o'clock position), the performer waves it backwards while remaining in the bottom (4–6 o'clock position) and then continues waving it in clockwise fashion.

Why is Harathi given to God? ›

in the universe and moving around us performing our aarti gives energy and momentum to our lives. To pay the debt of this arrangement of God, we offer aarti to the idol of God as a symbol of it.

What to do after aarti? ›

After completing the aarti around the feet, torso, and face of the deity, the aarti thali should then be circled six to seven times around the entire idol of the deity. This complete encircling around the whole idol or image symbolises the wholeness of the divine manifestation and the energy that the deity represents.

What time should you do aarti? ›

7.30amShangar ArtiWhen the Deities are dressed and adorned
11.45amRajbhog ArtiAfter the Deities have been offered their midday meal
7.00pmSandhya ArtiWhen the Deities offer their special evening audience
8.00pmShayan ArtiWhen the Deities are about to retire for the night
1 more row

How do you take aarti blessings? ›

Aarti involves chanting prayers, mantras, or singing Bhajan Kirtan to invoke the deity's presence. Hold the plate, offering flowers and incense, symbolizing respect. Illuminate the lamp, moving it in circular motions before the deity while singing Aarti songs or reciting mantras.

Who is the current guru of BAPS? ›

Upon the passing of Pramukh Swami Maharaj in August 2016, and having been revealed by him as his spiritual successor, Mahant Swami Maharaj now presides as the current guru and spiritual guide of countless devotees, helming also the worldwide socio-spiritual activities of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha.

What is the history of Jay Sadguru Swami Aarti? ›

Jay Sadguru Swami is the arti sung at Swaminarayan Sampradaya mandirs. This arti was composed by Muktanand Swami on 5 November 1802. During the arti, a lighted lamp is waved before murtis, representations of Swaminarayan and other deities.

Who is the god in BAPS Temple? ›

As this mandir is dedicated to Bhagwan Swaminarayan, his murtis have been consecrated in various shrines under different names.

Who is the motivational speaker of BAPS? ›

Swami Gyanvatsal is a Motivational Speaker from Akshardham, BAPS Swaminaryan Mandir. The BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha is a spiritual, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to improving society through individual growth by fostering the Hindu ideals of faith, unity, and selfless service.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.