E Caller Sounds | Lucky Duck Decoys (2025)

The sounds contained in this section come standard on the Revolt and Revolution, but are available to add onto your Riot E-caller.Take your Riot to the next level with more of Rick's signature sounds. These sounds are sure to be a great addition to...

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"Silly Rabbit" SILLY RABBIT.mp3

"Lucky Cottontail" LUCKY COTTONTAIL.mp3

"Bugs Bunny" BUGS BUNNY.mp3

"Syco Cottontail" SYCO COTTONTAIL.mp3

"Soft Tail" SOFT TAIL.mp3

"TNT Loud" T N T.mp3

"Shelterbelt Loud" SHELTERBELT.mp3

"Cottonbawl Loud" COTTONBAWL.mp3

"Skid Row" SKID ROW.mp3

"Little Jack" LITTLE JACK.mp3

"Whimpy Jack" WHIMPY JACK.mp3

"BB Cott Jacked" BB COTT JACKED.mp3

"BB Jack Deep" BB JACK DEEP.mp3

"Cyanide" CYANIDE .mp3

"Pup Barking" PUP BARKING.mp3

"Pup Pillage" PUP PILLAGE .mp3

"Pissy Pups" PISSY PUPS.mp3

"Pack Rat" PACK RAT.mp3

"Dirty Bird" DIRTY BIRD.mp3

"Hen Pheasant 1" HEN PHEASANT 1.mp3

"Syco Bird" SYCO BIRD.mp3

"Woodpecker" WOODPECKER 1.mp3

"Rooster Pheasant" ROOSTER PHEASANT.mp3

"Vic1LH Male" VICTOR01 LH MALE.mp3

"Chub1LH Male" CHUB01 LH MALE.mp3

"Vic1IH Male" VICTOR01 IH MALE.mp3

"Vic2IH Male" VICTOR02 IH MALE.mp3

"Female Challenge" FEMALE CHALLENGE.mp3

"Syco Spun Up" SYCO SPUN UP.mp3

"Little Pup Howl 1" LITTLE PUP HOWL 1.mp3

"Little Pup Howl 2" LITTLE PUP HOWL 2.mp3

"Pup Growlin" PUP GROWLING.mp3

"Pups Bickering" PUPS BICKERING .mp3

"Pup Howl 2" PUP HOWL 2.mp3

"OK Corral" OK CORRAL.mp3

"Coyote Ugly" COYOTE UGLY.mp3

"Twisted Sisters" TWISTED SISTERS.mp3

"Stuck Fight" STUCK FIGHT.mp3

"Sniff It" SNIFF IT.mp3

"Estrus Chirps 1" ESTRUS CHIRPS 1.mp3

"Breeding 3 Some" BREEDING THRESOME.mp3

"Mom & Pups Serenade" MOM&PUPS SERENADE.mp3

"Little Pup Serenade" LITTLE PUP SERENADE.mp3

"Pup Serenade" PUP SERENADE.mp3

"Itty-Bitty Raccoon" ITTY BITTY RACCOON.mp3

"Kitty Kitty" KITTY KITTY.mp3

"Coyote Barks 2" COYOTE BARKS.mp3

"Meat Bawl" MEAT BAWL.mp3

"Siren 1" SIREN.mp3

"Lone Crow" LONE CROW.mp3

"Crow Distress" CROW DISTRESS.mp3

"Rowdy Crows" ROWDY CROWS.mp3

"Snow Goose 2DP" SNOW GOOSE 2DP.mp3

"Snow Goose 5DP" SNOW GOOSE 5DP.mp3

"Snow Goose 6DP" SNOW GOOSE 6DP.mp3

"Snow Goose 12DP" SNOW GOOSE 12DP.mp3

"Snow Goose 13DP" SNOW GOOSE 13DP.mp3

E Caller Sounds | Lucky Duck Decoys (2025)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 5706

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.