Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1969, p. 7 (2024)

the acton free prit wednesday september 17 1 969 entry made high school races highlight parish picnic the annual parish plailo of st aba the martyr church wat held sept 14 at rockwood costaerndofl park wauert rere racaa boye and bb 67 yeast kenny woodman chris smtiuati adam seetman510 yearskaren tremflis kevin brooeted sherman woodman 1 1 yearsbreadi woodman robin hah michael ultchll 1 2 and 13 yeassctndy le pets hargnrw muriel holmes 13 and 14 years cindy lee steven metloc debbie drinkwelfaf whml bufow hm 6 7 8 yearsdaweon ultchll kanny woodman darin booth steven ttemlhs liza thomas sharmart woodman 9 and 12 yearsrobin halt brenda woodman cu1y qwy kevin prlhclpols conframio hahod ryinctnek association arranged i threeday conference last weekend for the countys elementary school principals area superintendent and directors at talisman lodge kmtbtriey near huntsville each principal paid hit own way for the informative wmkend which eipeclally dealt with the implications of continuous progress actons priacjeali g w uckamle and elmer smith war among those attandtafcas wall a kan tvowbrida from brookvilie gary dawklnt from satytlde ralph uckeown from umahouae and ron chatten froustawarttown breasted kathy turkou diane muckman 13 and 14 yearscindy lea debbie drinkwalter pater hargrave valeria ullcbtll three legged races 5 6 7 yearstied for first place cindy li and lynda cress y along with debbie drlnkwalur and julie mellor liza thomas adaal swetman 8 9 10 ii yesriclrff craaaey kevin broostad karen tremius dienna booth brenda woodman robin hatt tied with sherman woodman and uuriel holmes 12 13 14 yearsdebbie drinkwalter cindy lee muriel holmes lost mellor cliff craaeey kevin broosisd sack races s 6 7 yearsdata booth adam swat man lisa thomas 8 yearskenny woodman chris swetman steven tvemilb 9 10 1 1 yearskaren tniralb kevin brooded brands woodman 12 and overdebbie drinkwalter cindy lee valerie mitchell balloon breaking contest all ages wanda woodman kevin broottad muriel holmes pie eating contest wanda woodman brenda woodman lynne mellor and mrs mellor walerie mitchell and muriel holmes second pie eating contest lori mellor and cindy lee debbie drinkwalter and steven mellor kevin broottad and cliff createy egg throwing contest man nd john oreasey marie and george hartrtve peter hargrave and steven mellor the meepresf decided to do i little irweetlaetlns lest week after receiving- complaints from residents on main straet couth that motorists have been pulling off to the tide of the road to asfc whether they ere on hlgtmmy or 36 the picture on the left shows sln indicating directions to both milton and georgetown but no signs to mark the numbers of the hlghweys this elan u pasted on the southeast corner of the ijuin mill intersection vw therenlre picture shows signs indicating directions to both milton and guelph as well ae signs showing the numbers ef the highways to be followed these signs are posted on the southwest corner of the intersection in clear vww of motorists entering town on highway 7 from georgetown the picture on the tight shows vlghwey lumber signs potted on the northeast corner of the intersection in clear view of mntorlrtt entering town on highway 26 from milton islstf photos vwkwewr the cleiyij jpek ut by rev peter brouwer bethel chriitian reformed church k w- x vvxvxnvxvv xv rebellion in tub school to stay ii alluding lo provetbs 433 keep thy heart with diligence for out of it are the issues of life ch ritt said one day to the pharisees o generation ofvipera how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth and speaketh watt 1234 christ spoke these words to the pharisees after they had accused him of casting out devils by the power of beeliebub the prince of the devils it was a preposterous charge perhaps we are inclined to say o well they were just exaggerating a little too much in live heat of the argument they didnt really mean it that bad perhaps but chtitt did not take it that way he saw what was at stake here for out of the heart are the issues of life our life it an expression of our heart commitment in everything we think say or do we may not want to tee it that way but thats the way it is according to the bible t said christ to these same phiriseet but i say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment vs 36 that is not to much because every idle word is so important but because every idle word is an expression of you and me our heart commitment church notices j cmhkmiu eckmmunrty ommch osuttkell road north vamom ptntkostal tabhnacu pajoc 31 churchill road rev 8 m thocnan paator i53i7ij the rev a welter poebury bjl bd 124 tklfy ave phone 534316 1969 sunday september 21st 1969 1100 am worship end church school sermon subject the persistent knock wednesday september 24 i jo run congregational meeting visitors are welcome at all church gath erings at the church on the hill acton baptttt ewhrcm hounded 1s42 paetor rev stanley flammna ree 144 tidey ave phone mj16is sunday september 21st 1000 am sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 7 00 pm evangelistic service special services with etangcliki james p routley tuetdav september 2j thru friday sept ember 24 8 p m sunday september 28 ii am and 7 pm psalm 27 i the lord is my life and mv salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid mathi avmue baptkt church si maple ave georgetown paator rev robert c lohnea so it makes sense to speak of life as religion and to it doesnt make sense to act as if we can take religion out of the schools by eliminating a few totalled religious subjects if all of life is religion then that also includes all of education in my last article i promised to consider three oftheard objections lo religious education in the public school we got no further than the first objection that the public school sliould not teach religion because whatever such religion there will always be parents objecting to indoctrination i sympathized with this objection because the right of parents to determine the religious direction of their childrens education is infringed upon under the present system however this infringement cannot be taken away by taking religion out of the achool because as part of life education also is religion and at such the two are inseparable the second objection is thst the public achool should not teach religion because the state or the government should not reach religion this implies of course thst the state determines the religious direction of our present public educational system this implication is correct i feel i agree with this second objection as long as we realiie that the solution is not to take religion out of the school for as we have aeen this cannot be done the solution is rather that the state demand from us that we u citizens take the responsibility one of providing our children as citizens of our land with an education which answers to certain standards of education set by the state right now there are such standards to which the education of our private parochial and parentcontrolled schools mutt comply with even though they do not all receive state finances two of determining the religious direction of the formal education of our children in exchange for such demands fiom the state the a late would of course lend whatever assistance we reasonably need such assistance would then go toward the education of all our children instead of as it goes now only toward the education of airstrip gets ok lite moil powerful majority this would nuke all schools public schools whetlier they be secular ronun catholic protestant christian jewish or anything else it would do away with prosecular discrimination in education it would provide for a healthy competition between the various school systems weed out more effectively any possible corruption inefficiency and watte and it would give parents a meaningful choice of schools for their children it would also take care of the third objection against religion in the school no public school should teach religion because religion it a private nutter and belongs in thehome and the church as you may liave gueued by now formally i disagree entirely with this objection i say formally because i can agree with the spirit of this objection if i undetstand it correctly i think it wants to say that the parents are responsible for the religious direction of the training of their children and that the church is the place where they should receive their formal training in religious doctrine but we mutt be clear the responsibility of the parents for the teliglous direction of their childrens training goes beyond the home to both the church and the school we mutt determine which church or none at all our children shall go to and receive training in the same way we mutt determine live religious direction of our childrens training at school this by the way is something different and of a far broader scope than lire doctrines our children are taught in the church all in all it comes down to the question what is religion the bible teaches clearly tint our life is our religion and we either serve the true god or an idol whatever that idol may be wherever we do not recognize christ as our lord and the bible as our guide we serve idols for fear of being misunderstood however let me say emphatically that even the finest christian here on earth has not managed to free himself from all his idols nevertheless for the uke of our lord and master for the uke of our fellowmen and for the sake of justice liberty and truth christians must be clear on the liberating principles of the goipel and practice them in private as well as in public life a teacher discovered entry had been made to the high achool and reported the incident lo police wednesday apparently entry wat made through a tool room door thursday fttuy saturday sept 10 19 20 bhowtl around our tldtwalk bigtav anoauoui th latctt ktvlies inooorg uauehio d ties dress pants 8alk lew100nvlonrtio tasam squall jackets saie qhoocof tiifsinio to moo white shirts s ipiiice sale or ladies dresses 3 10 3 ladies shells 10 8 me a li girls blouses vva price girls sweaters s price evwej ovfeufy mcf ryrv mf jjeuehd ctcthmcf vfi mwsflay today satufibay sot 1m coronada freezer i ecu rr hum sv woooa reo valuc ttsot omlv all air fuhfcial fleetwood stereo hi ft raoio combination ionlv nco f nice two to fall fair sffcial portable b w tv tonlv reo fricc elm 00 fair 8xcial plastic stacking chairs k 00 aseohtcdcolorsttomvalui sffcial vetet ree mh recuher chair an bxcf llint christmas lavawav 7988 hassocks d styles colors sffcial chetllluooublc f si no li sizi bed spreads sffcial 399 imfortco dutch bulh for fall flanttno choosc from our selection of tulifftdaffooilshvacinthecnoclsetc lant now for binino pall fair sale op a oroup op assorted fabrics 8r odd lines of varo oooo all at 40 discount hintons 5 to 1 store sunday september jut 199 ujoo em uomhui worehij no evening service wednesday s pm prey- and bible study study to ettow yauhetf a of cod ftta 1 is all weloatsh thhm etutttttan swomud cttuwh minister rev p brouwer ba bj acton ontario sunday september 21st 1969 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 945 m sunday school all agea ii 00 ata morning service 7 00 pm evening evangel georgetown swaabs tmchukhop st auan th matty an6ucan comer willow st and st albana drive rev h jt dawson ba bth continued tram rsje one to the definition could be that friends of the owner could visit this person with his permission as section 31 s of the air regulations states the uae of any licensed or unlicensed area for landing or taking oft an aircraft it prima fade proof of the acceptance by the pilot in command of the aircraft of the suitability of that area for the intended operation another exception concerned flying instructions the owner of an aircraft may choose any qualified and properly licensed instructor lo teach him how to fly his own aircraft this would not be classed u a commercial operation thursday frday saturday sept 181920 oncf a yea fill m sinwaik shoais sunday september 21st 1969 1000 eon english service 1110 sunday school 4j pjnwnghsh sereeoa a w knox church acton rev andraw h mrkvmrif bjl bj sunday september 21st 1969 trinity xvi 900 am holy eucharist i0j0 ajn holy eucharist and nursery parish picnic nb church school officially starts 10j0 ajn sunday october sth rtttstty united church the rev gordon b turner bjl b d direetor of music iv george feluott uju mu air b a hansen bjl oraauslst atsd deals aaaates 1969 sunday sbptembbr 21st 1969 945 ajn departmentalized church school for agea 5 to 15 years ujoo antdivlne worship sunday september 21st 1000 ajn mottling worship sermon subject we are a bunch of fools sunday school iojdo ajtij nursery to grade 4 ujoo am grades 5 to 8 we welcome you and your family to take part in the life and worship of trinity jsgjmsftg e ggggff e egee-g-e-j- igc iter gtrrarfiw bom able teachtrmd event uil james fw routley of chatham ontario acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 churchill rd north sept 23 to 26 8 pm ctues through friday also sept 28th 11am a 7 pm dont tail to attend beuolieallyrafonaal family size reg or mint reo tl jsi crest toothpaste 81 wilkinson rio jgd sword blades 33 first duality nylons a fair 5 girls blouses long sleeve meruaaess slaes414ireas24e 5149 metre flannel s u i phidsirts m98 extra orv iria sid6i arrid aerosol ladies shoes 4 oft manvstvlisglxes4t0 tujv irtrr oualitv pantihose 9 ladies safari blouses lew smi rt tales el qk loho suevcs comkam at mm ladies tauastnool losmsuevfs htcassa mjuovtr s youi money blvs moie cit we family store 29 mill st e acton h a



Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1969, p. 7 (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.